This Thursday as Americans, we celebrate and hold dear a special day that provides us an opportunity to give thanks; a day to unite with friends and family… a day of peace.
Thanksgiving is uniquely American but the ideals that it embodies are something that all countries and all peoples can embrace.
Our Thanksgiving started humbly in the early 1600’s by English settlers who endured many hardships, having fled from religious persecution.
Not the least of which was an extremely harsh New England winter that killed nearly half the colonists.
The survivors gave thanks to God for their new home, freedom, bountiful harvests and their new Indian friends that embraced them and aided their survival.
Though many Thanksgiving days were celebrated over the years, it wasn’t nationalized until President Abraham Lincoln made it so.
This glorious tradition continues to be held the last Thursday of November.
For many the history has been forgotten. For others it is simply a day to rest from hard work. For others it is an opportunity to see family that they otherwise may not see due to distance or time constraints. For others it is a day of true spiritual connectedness and gratitude to a loving God. And to others it is a day of peace and tranquility as all pause for a moment in time. Still others use it as a day to serve and give to those less fortunate and in need of help.
Those of us who “have” … can share… can give… can serve and… can pray for those who have not.
My sincerest wish is for all of the inhabitants of this planet to experience an abundance of love, health and wealth.
While this day is uniquely American, I hope that its message can be adopted and embraced by the world. A planetary day of Thanksgiving!
And yes, I know there are countless people who would find it extremely hard to be thankful or grateful even for one day.
I pray that even the poorest of people can locate one thing to be thankful for. To be able to say…thank God, I have this shelter, or my family, or my body, my eyesight, my hand or whatever it may be. To acknowledge this to their friends, family, God or just to their inner self is powerful.
Without even one thing to be thankful for, there is no hope. But if there is just one thing to be thankful for, a person’s spirit can be elevated!
A new attitude is adopted energy creates more energy and then self worth and inspiration dispel despair. Suddenly, magically, the doors are flung open for goodness of all kinds to enter into their life.
As their attraction increases, life becomes more fulfilling.
While I firmly believe thanksgiving and gratitude should be practiced daily, especially remember it this Thursday.
This Thanksgiving holiday see who you can give to. Challenge yourself to do a little extra even if you think you’ve done enough. You will find that you open yourself to receive more by being and doing more for others. The giver is always blessed with reward.
For the last fifteen years at my office we have collected food for the needy families in East Fort Bend County. It’s been a huge success thanks to the generosity of my patients and it’s been a blessing to my patients, community and myself. We love every minute of it. This is just one example. Do your own thing. Be inspired! Inspire others!
Count your blessings. I’m definitely counting mine!
Every one of you helps me to grow and challenges me to be better. I am thankful for each and every person in my life.
With sincerest gratitude—thank you!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. Joe Vitale and I are still giving away Give to Live e-books for free at For those who purchase books, we are also giving away partial proceeds to our charities like Rudy and the stoves and Joe’s homeless project—Operation YES
I love when people call, e-mail or write to me that Give to Live has changed their life and that they are buying books for family and friends.
One of my patients humbled me the other day by buying books for his seven children. But not only that, he has committed himself to do more for our community and the world. Soon, he will be going on a medical mission with me as part of his commitment. This is from a man who is already very giving. I am grateful to him and others who do their little piece to benefit mankind. It helps us all.
Thanks again to all of you!
P.P.S. For a fun and simple way of opening your life up for more abundance and prosperity to flow Give Away A Dollar A Day! It's just like it sounds - you give away one dollar, every day. The best way to do this is anonymously, and in a public place. But what really makes this practice so genuine and empowering is that you decide where and how to give away your dollar to whomever and however you want. Check out Todd Silva’s website at
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Honored by Toastmasters!

Last week, I spent a delightful evening with a group of people from the Sharpstown Toastmasters Club.
I was privileged to receive an invitation to deliver a talk about the book, Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life's Rewards. Of course, I was happy to accept.
Toastmasters Clubs are international with a diverse membership. I fully support any group of people who are dedicated to self-improvement--and they are!
Sharpstown Toastmasters Club mission statement is very powerful! It states that they "provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth".
I was genuinely impressed by the caliber of people in attendance and the quality of their meeting. Loving to talk about a few of my passions made my speech easy to deliver.
I explained how Give to Live was born into existence and the messages revealed within. Remember, Give to Live reveals that an open heart and a willingness to serve not only changes you, but also the planet.
It teaches perhaps newly for some and reinforces for others, the importance of giving their time, money and resources to a power higher than themselves. Readers also learn that once they start giving unconditionally, they'll manifest and receive personal rewards they couldn't fathom prior to giving.
Another passion and one of the themes in Give to Live is the idea that serving is the highest form of giving one can express. I use my involvement in medical mission work to illustrate this in the book and spoke of it at Toastmasters. As well as speaking about my friend, Rudy, who builds special ecological healthy stoves for the Nahuatl indigenous of Mexico.
Rudy taught me to speak a few Nahuatl words. One phrase I shared with the group was Amu Xi Maj Mahue--don't be afraid!
While we've all likely felt the joy and experienced the rewards of helping another human being, I'm also sure there were plenty of other times when we've all stopped ourselves from giving.
Giving money, sharing a talent, or personally serving someone. Because of finances, prejudices, lack of time or just plain fear.
We create a belief that we feel serves us. A glass ceiling, a threshold of giving that we are unwilling to pass through.
In doing so, our own growth is stiffened.
So we must find a way to break through this in order to receive abundance in life.
Amu Xi Mah Mahue. Do not be afraid.
Push through--find ways to give, to serve and create change in this world.
It was great fun for me to deliver those messages to the Toastmasters club.
I was quite surprised when at the end of the evening, they honored me with the "best speaker of the night" award.
It was an exciting night!
See every life fulfilled!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. Please continue to send the Give to Live message. Tell everyone you know to get their free e-book at or books can be purchased at with 20% of the proceeds going to charity.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Swine Flu in Peru by Dr. Rick Barrett
Recently I travelled to Peru where surprisingly I was confronted with the absurdity of swine flu overreaction, useless false protection and propaganda once again. I thought that the media and governmental hype to the swine flu pandemic had subsided. Not so. I guess like a bad urban legend, it continues to course through communities throughout the World. I’m not sure if the fallacies will ever totally die or the truthful realities ever rise to the top.
So why was I upset about swine flu in Peru? Because they are perpetuating misinformation and fear in people.
While in route to Lima, the flight attendants handed out the usual entry documents to be filled out along with an extra one. This was a mini health history regarding the swine flu. Did I have it? Was I being treated? Do I have symptoms? Where do I live? Have I been in contact with anyone who has it?
I was shocked! Then after landing, they restricted us from leaving the plane until we listened to a message from the Department of Health regarding swine flu. I can’t understand what is said when they speak over the intercom in English let alone Spanish! So it wasn’t helpful.
I was also given this little guide. What are your thoughts about it? Is it helpful? Does it give enough information to prevent or fight the flu? Was it really worth the manpower, energy and dollars they spent to produce it? Personally, I think it’s worthless.

I was shocked going through the airport to see how many people were wearing masks. Not just travelers, but airport employees. Guess what else? Some wore latex gloves! Were they required to do so? Or was it their own idea? I wondered.

The next day, I went to a supermarket near the hotel to purchase water and explore a Peruvian grocery store. Once again, I was shocked to see store employees wearing masks! By the way, wearing a mask does not provide protection. Perhaps those who wear a mask already are contagious and graciously trying to protect the rest of us from—whatever they might have. But I don’t think so.
What will our future look like…I wonder? Will people be working in full blown HAZ. MAT. suits with portable decontamination equipment and isolation tents? Maybe they’ll have syringes in holsters like cowboys ready to inoculate anyone at the first hint of a cough, sneeze or other symptoms.
A few days later, we flew to Cuzco. There, I saw no one wearing masks. Perhaps Cuzco citizens are immune? Back in Lima, I inquired to some of the Lima airport personnel regarding how long they needed to wear the masks. Answer: everyday, all day for an indefinite period of time. I really wonder when this will die down and logic will prevail.
Since the swine flu problem surfaced, I’ve been trying to quell fears in patients, friends and family. The death and doom mongers really have done a great job creating a worldwide fear that I’m not certain will ever disappear. Is this flu really that devastating? Should we be on a heightened alert? Can our immune systems fight it? Is it a creation of drug companies to sell more medications and vaccines? These and other questions can be answered most satisfactorily. I’ll get to that in a moment.
As with most things, there is always going to be lots of opinions, some facts, and lots of fiction. Deciphering these can often times be difficult. Whether you analyze this swine flu situation, or the next flu, cold or public health risk is…remember some basic truths…You are an amazing, incredible being with power to overcome, heal and be well! Health comes from inside you. While it’s true, we do need outside help from time to time, the quality and kind of intervention is extremely critical. Most of the time, the answer is not in the drug of the day that the pharmaceutical companies are trying to push.
I was never concerned about the swine flu for myself, friends or family. Nor am I concerned with seasonal flues, bird flues or the like… and I don’t get flu shots! I travel to Mexico frequently and so do friends. In fact, I have friends that live there and I’m still not concerned as long as their immune systems are strong. Some of my patients were truly panicked about the swine flu and some are still very
concerned, but what people still don’t understand is that it’s the strength of the individual’s immune system to fight off and kill invaders of the body—daily—twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week for the rest of our lives! If our nervous and immune systems are compromised, weak, failing, susceptible…you pick the word…then we are in trouble.
Why haven’t I ever received a flu vaccine and never will? Because it is useless! There are too many strains of the influenza virus. I care for my nervous and immune systems naturally, to keep them as healthy as possible. When my body has been exposed, then I again, work at allowing my body to fight it naturally. How? With immune system builders like vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, massage, body
detoxification and chiropractic spinal adjustments to name a few.
Why does one person get sick and another not when exposed to the same foreign invader?--simply, the strength or health of that individual. There are many ways to safely fortify our selves daily and mount ineffective counter attack to foreign invaders safely without turning towards risky medications that are unproven and have deadly consequence. Or at the very least, cause the same symptoms that the flu
virus causes begin with.
During the 1918 flu pandemic that ravaged the world and killed upwards of twenty million people, several of our family was counted amongst the dead. Though I wasn’t alive then, my father was. We discussed what happened many times. The swine flu is nothing like that pandemic.
Returning from Peru, I received a call from my cousin. His daughter spent a week at the hospital in ICU due to swine flu. While this hits close to home, I realize we must be vigilant in creating health and strong immunity in our bodies. Swine flu is not what the media and government has purported it to be. I am less concerned about it than the other seasonal flu strains that kill thirty to forty thousand people
every year!
Building health, maintaining wellness, allowing our bodies to experience life with all its dirt, grime, colds, flu, etc. creates immunity, strength and builds our natural defenses.
At my office, regular chiropractic adjustments for proper nervous system function are vital. A good multivitamin especially with B vitamins is crucial for the nervous system and whole body health. Anti-aging, preventative measures impact and targeted nutritionals for those times when we are exposed, and weak.
Some products I use and recommend to patients are: Nutriwest and Douglas Labs
Total VirX
Total Flu-Cld Nasal Spray
Ultra Preventitive X
Youth Juice
These are just a few. Contact me if you need help or go to our website to learn more about what I use to stay healthy.
Don’t think I’m indifferent to realistic concerns and fears or naïve about the swine flu or any other. I’m not—but let’s not panic. Do your research, use common sense, listen and react to legitimate sources of information. One of the best resources for straight and truthful swine flu information comes from our friend, Dr. Mercola. Please read his article then pass this information on to others so we can stop needless panic and learn the truth. Not just for the swine flu, but for the next ______demic.
Go to:
Serving You,
Dr. Rick Barrett
So why was I upset about swine flu in Peru? Because they are perpetuating misinformation and fear in people.
While in route to Lima, the flight attendants handed out the usual entry documents to be filled out along with an extra one. This was a mini health history regarding the swine flu. Did I have it? Was I being treated? Do I have symptoms? Where do I live? Have I been in contact with anyone who has it?
I was shocked! Then after landing, they restricted us from leaving the plane until we listened to a message from the Department of Health regarding swine flu. I can’t understand what is said when they speak over the intercom in English let alone Spanish! So it wasn’t helpful.
I was also given this little guide. What are your thoughts about it? Is it helpful? Does it give enough information to prevent or fight the flu? Was it really worth the manpower, energy and dollars they spent to produce it? Personally, I think it’s worthless.

I was shocked going through the airport to see how many people were wearing masks. Not just travelers, but airport employees. Guess what else? Some wore latex gloves! Were they required to do so? Or was it their own idea? I wondered.
The next day, I went to a supermarket near the hotel to purchase water and explore a Peruvian grocery store. Once again, I was shocked to see store employees wearing masks! By the way, wearing a mask does not provide protection. Perhaps those who wear a mask already are contagious and graciously trying to protect the rest of us from—whatever they might have. But I don’t think so.
What will our future look like…I wonder? Will people be working in full blown HAZ. MAT. suits with portable decontamination equipment and isolation tents? Maybe they’ll have syringes in holsters like cowboys ready to inoculate anyone at the first hint of a cough, sneeze or other symptoms.
A few days later, we flew to Cuzco. There, I saw no one wearing masks. Perhaps Cuzco citizens are immune? Back in Lima, I inquired to some of the Lima airport personnel regarding how long they needed to wear the masks. Answer: everyday, all day for an indefinite period of time. I really wonder when this will die down and logic will prevail.
Since the swine flu problem surfaced, I’ve been trying to quell fears in patients, friends and family. The death and doom mongers really have done a great job creating a worldwide fear that I’m not certain will ever disappear. Is this flu really that devastating? Should we be on a heightened alert? Can our immune systems fight it? Is it a creation of drug companies to sell more medications and vaccines? These and other questions can be answered most satisfactorily. I’ll get to that in a moment.
As with most things, there is always going to be lots of opinions, some facts, and lots of fiction. Deciphering these can often times be difficult. Whether you analyze this swine flu situation, or the next flu, cold or public health risk is…remember some basic truths…You are an amazing, incredible being with power to overcome, heal and be well! Health comes from inside you. While it’s true, we do need outside help from time to time, the quality and kind of intervention is extremely critical. Most of the time, the answer is not in the drug of the day that the pharmaceutical companies are trying to push.
I was never concerned about the swine flu for myself, friends or family. Nor am I concerned with seasonal flues, bird flues or the like… and I don’t get flu shots! I travel to Mexico frequently and so do friends. In fact, I have friends that live there and I’m still not concerned as long as their immune systems are strong. Some of my patients were truly panicked about the swine flu and some are still very
concerned, but what people still don’t understand is that it’s the strength of the individual’s immune system to fight off and kill invaders of the body—daily—twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week for the rest of our lives! If our nervous and immune systems are compromised, weak, failing, susceptible…you pick the word…then we are in trouble.
Why haven’t I ever received a flu vaccine and never will? Because it is useless! There are too many strains of the influenza virus. I care for my nervous and immune systems naturally, to keep them as healthy as possible. When my body has been exposed, then I again, work at allowing my body to fight it naturally. How? With immune system builders like vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, massage, body
detoxification and chiropractic spinal adjustments to name a few.
Why does one person get sick and another not when exposed to the same foreign invader?--simply, the strength or health of that individual. There are many ways to safely fortify our selves daily and mount ineffective counter attack to foreign invaders safely without turning towards risky medications that are unproven and have deadly consequence. Or at the very least, cause the same symptoms that the flu
virus causes begin with.
During the 1918 flu pandemic that ravaged the world and killed upwards of twenty million people, several of our family was counted amongst the dead. Though I wasn’t alive then, my father was. We discussed what happened many times. The swine flu is nothing like that pandemic.
Returning from Peru, I received a call from my cousin. His daughter spent a week at the hospital in ICU due to swine flu. While this hits close to home, I realize we must be vigilant in creating health and strong immunity in our bodies. Swine flu is not what the media and government has purported it to be. I am less concerned about it than the other seasonal flu strains that kill thirty to forty thousand people
every year!
Building health, maintaining wellness, allowing our bodies to experience life with all its dirt, grime, colds, flu, etc. creates immunity, strength and builds our natural defenses.
At my office, regular chiropractic adjustments for proper nervous system function are vital. A good multivitamin especially with B vitamins is crucial for the nervous system and whole body health. Anti-aging, preventative measures impact and targeted nutritionals for those times when we are exposed, and weak.
Some products I use and recommend to patients are: Nutriwest and Douglas Labs
Total VirX
Total Flu-Cld Nasal Spray
Ultra Preventitive X
Youth Juice
These are just a few. Contact me if you need help or go to our website to learn more about what I use to stay healthy.
Don’t think I’m indifferent to realistic concerns and fears or naïve about the swine flu or any other. I’m not—but let’s not panic. Do your research, use common sense, listen and react to legitimate sources of information. One of the best resources for straight and truthful swine flu information comes from our friend, Dr. Mercola. Please read his article then pass this information on to others so we can stop needless panic and learn the truth. Not just for the swine flu, but for the next ______demic.
Go to:
Serving You,
Dr. Rick Barrett
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Phantom Encounter...
The other night, I connected with the other side!
Encountering and interacting with a spirit-- a Phantom.
It was a moving experiencing. Three others experienced it too. But I believe I had the best vantage point.
In fact, I was the one commanding the Phantom to do my bidding. Directing her to follow my lead. With a mere gesture of my hands she went where I wanted her to go.
What did she look like you might wonder? She was blacker than the darkest night. Black on black. She was sleek, sweet, with beautiful lines and whispered as she glided from one place to the next. She was a marvel to behold as she enveloped us and allowed us to play with her.
This may not exactly be the mystical experience you're imagining. Though my experience with the Phantom was quite magical even heavenly.
The Phantom wasn't some disembodied etherial entity that couldn't be touched. No, she was solid in form, the Phantom was a Rolls Royce.
This perfectly crafted automobile is the other side of everything you've ever experienced in a vehicle. The other side of mundane, the ordinary or normal.
I had the extreme pleasure and fortune to be her driver and become one with her. For a little while at least.
A very special Mastermind took place in this Phantom Rolls Royce with my friend, Joe Vitale. Two other special guests had the privilege of being chauffered in the car and delivered to and from an exquisite, sumptous dinner at a fabulous restaurant.
For five hours, we brainstormed business ideas, product development, book writing, inventions, achieving ones full potential, breaking from lack and limiting beliefs, experiencing gratitude and much, much more.
Joe is an author, entrepreneur, writer and a Phantom rider. He enjoys riding in his beautiful Rolls. Oh, Joe likes to drive too. But I really love to drive. I am a driver. I've been a car guy since childhood. Loving them ( I know you can't love something inanimate, but I do), rebuilding them, appreciating them, racing them. Cars are beauty, power, passion, art. They are exotic, classy, exhilerating and so much more.
The Phantom Rolls Royce is all of these.Joe created a unique opportunity for a select few. A Mastermind to take place in his Rolls Royce. He has successfully helped people break through to new levels.Anything from improved personal lives to improved businesses.
When I was invited to be Joe's special guest and drive the Phantom, I was thrilled! Not merely to drive the car, but to contribute to the Mastermind.
I enjoyed interacting with two very special, intelligent, spiritual and lovely people.
The Rolls Royce Mastermind is hard to explain. It's one of those things that until experienced, you don't realize to what magnitude it impacts your life.
I've driven the Phantom before and loved it.But this was different in some way. The energy was different--better.
I've been in Masterminds before, but this went beyond the usual. Certainly it was unique.
I've also known Joe for over fourteen years. We talk, discuss life and brainstorm frequently. But there was something magical that occured by putting all these different elements together; the handpicked people, the car, the private dining room and an intention to create something extraordinary from this night. It was a focused high energy. Something like mixing chemicals in a lab and watching an extreme reaction occur.
I know every one of us grew from the experience.
One truly has to live it to comprehend the benefit realized from the experience. I highly recommend this Mastermind to everyone.
I know Joe can be persuaded to bring the Phantom experience back to Houston. However, his schedule is unbelievably busy and booking up rapidly. He's booked to go to Russia, Poland, Ecuador, and do a book signing with me in Wimberley, Texas on August 1st, and more...I can't even keep track. But there may be a few spots still open.
The Phantom rider Mastermind is limited to only two people. If you desire to be a future candidate to experience this Phantom Mastermind phenomenon in Houston, Texas, let me know. I'll speak to Joe and see what can be arranged.
P.S. Hope to see you at the book signing for Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life's Rewards. It will be held at Rancho Deluxe in Wimberley, Texas on Saturday, August 1st from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Encountering and interacting with a spirit-- a Phantom.
It was a moving experiencing. Three others experienced it too. But I believe I had the best vantage point.
In fact, I was the one commanding the Phantom to do my bidding. Directing her to follow my lead. With a mere gesture of my hands she went where I wanted her to go.
What did she look like you might wonder? She was blacker than the darkest night. Black on black. She was sleek, sweet, with beautiful lines and whispered as she glided from one place to the next. She was a marvel to behold as she enveloped us and allowed us to play with her.
This may not exactly be the mystical experience you're imagining. Though my experience with the Phantom was quite magical even heavenly.
The Phantom wasn't some disembodied etherial entity that couldn't be touched. No, she was solid in form, the Phantom was a Rolls Royce.
This perfectly crafted automobile is the other side of everything you've ever experienced in a vehicle. The other side of mundane, the ordinary or normal.
I had the extreme pleasure and fortune to be her driver and become one with her. For a little while at least.
A very special Mastermind took place in this Phantom Rolls Royce with my friend, Joe Vitale. Two other special guests had the privilege of being chauffered in the car and delivered to and from an exquisite, sumptous dinner at a fabulous restaurant.
For five hours, we brainstormed business ideas, product development, book writing, inventions, achieving ones full potential, breaking from lack and limiting beliefs, experiencing gratitude and much, much more.
Joe is an author, entrepreneur, writer and a Phantom rider. He enjoys riding in his beautiful Rolls. Oh, Joe likes to drive too. But I really love to drive. I am a driver. I've been a car guy since childhood. Loving them ( I know you can't love something inanimate, but I do), rebuilding them, appreciating them, racing them. Cars are beauty, power, passion, art. They are exotic, classy, exhilerating and so much more.
The Phantom Rolls Royce is all of these.Joe created a unique opportunity for a select few. A Mastermind to take place in his Rolls Royce. He has successfully helped people break through to new levels.Anything from improved personal lives to improved businesses.
When I was invited to be Joe's special guest and drive the Phantom, I was thrilled! Not merely to drive the car, but to contribute to the Mastermind.
I enjoyed interacting with two very special, intelligent, spiritual and lovely people.
The Rolls Royce Mastermind is hard to explain. It's one of those things that until experienced, you don't realize to what magnitude it impacts your life.
I've driven the Phantom before and loved it.But this was different in some way. The energy was different--better.
I've been in Masterminds before, but this went beyond the usual. Certainly it was unique.
I've also known Joe for over fourteen years. We talk, discuss life and brainstorm frequently. But there was something magical that occured by putting all these different elements together; the handpicked people, the car, the private dining room and an intention to create something extraordinary from this night. It was a focused high energy. Something like mixing chemicals in a lab and watching an extreme reaction occur.
I know every one of us grew from the experience.
One truly has to live it to comprehend the benefit realized from the experience. I highly recommend this Mastermind to everyone.
I know Joe can be persuaded to bring the Phantom experience back to Houston. However, his schedule is unbelievably busy and booking up rapidly. He's booked to go to Russia, Poland, Ecuador, and do a book signing with me in Wimberley, Texas on August 1st, and more...I can't even keep track. But there may be a few spots still open.
The Phantom rider Mastermind is limited to only two people. If you desire to be a future candidate to experience this Phantom Mastermind phenomenon in Houston, Texas, let me know. I'll speak to Joe and see what can be arranged.
P.S. Hope to see you at the book signing for Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life's Rewards. It will be held at Rancho Deluxe in Wimberley, Texas on Saturday, August 1st from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Independence Day!!
My prayers are that you and your families enjoy the 4th of July. As we celebrate in our own ways, please remember and remind those who have long forgotten--we celebrate our freedom. The small ones and the big ones. Freedom from oppression and tyranny. Freedom to worship and practice our religious beliefs. Freedom to voice our opinions, even against our own government. Not many countries experience this blessing, this gift, that doesn't come easy. It is worked for daily. And fought hard for with much sacrifice.
We must continue to stay strong, stay ever vigilant to protect our freedoms and while we are not perfect, I don't believe there is another land where so many, with such diversity of color, ethnicity, ideas, and religious beliefs enjoy so much.
May we stay independent, free and continue to work towards freeing others from the bondage of poverty, oppression and tyranny.
May God continue to bless us as we continue to praise and honor God.
Love and Blessings,
Dr. Rick Barrett
We must continue to stay strong, stay ever vigilant to protect our freedoms and while we are not perfect, I don't believe there is another land where so many, with such diversity of color, ethnicity, ideas, and religious beliefs enjoy so much.
May we stay independent, free and continue to work towards freeing others from the bondage of poverty, oppression and tyranny.
May God continue to bless us as we continue to praise and honor God.
Love and Blessings,
Dr. Rick Barrett
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What's a Four Letter Word for Magnificent?
What’s a four letter word for magnificent? Peru!

The event in Spanish was billed as El Secreto.
Mark was along as a friend and videographer to capture Joe on video 24/7--kind of an “all about Joe” reality show.
It was an incredible journey on so many levels. Gastronomically, intellectually, inspirationally, spiritually and emotionally to name but a few “ly” words. But what touched me the most was the love and spirit with which the Peruvians embraced us.
Though the journey seemed long in some respects, it was lightning fast in others. Each day was brimming over with activities.
Anyway, getting back to Peru…so here I am schlepping bags and taking pictures with no one asking for my autograph—only Joe’s. Oh, the pain of it all! But, I got over it quickly…or maybe not if I’m still writing about it.
Photos were taken and then on to Sacred Valley.
From there we traveled by train (Peru Rail) for several hours to the town of Aguas Caliente at the base of Machu Picchu.

On this trip, we all seemed to be experiencing strange coincidences reminding us yet again of how small the World is. Besides Joe being recognized at this tiny hotel, over 3,000 miles from home, we also ran into a woman and her husband who has attended one of Joe’s seminars in Austin, Texas!
I also met some wonderful translators and their friends. One of which has a boyfriend who lives in a small New Jersey town close to where I lived and my great grandfather was a miner! This was getting strange.
Machu Picchu was spectacular! It is one of those trips everyone should try to do in their lifetime. I was amazed again by the feelings one experiences there—by the ingenuity of the Incans, the improbability a stone city on this mountain never found by the Spaniards, the feeling, a greatness, of smallness, of oneness, and of unity.

I was amazed that two thousand to three thousand people visit this ancient Incan city per day. It is a confluence of humanity, different races, religions, ideologies, and languages. I met people from all over the United States, France, Poland, Germany, Asia and Argentina.
Machu Picchu invites peace, harmony, and unity. It seems to be a place that connects us all. I say go, visit, enjoy…and go again!

From there, we retraced our steps back to Cuzco, on to Lima and home—the United States. It was a truly exceptional trip!
I hope you enjoy the photos and create your own journey and memories.

Be open…
Live life now!
How about for genuine? Peru!
And what about gracious? Peru!
And what about gracious? Peru!
Where in the World can you eat a fabulous meal at a world class restaurant under the stars literally at the edge of an Incan archeologically site? Peru! Of course!
You’re probably noticing a theme here. All the answers seem to be…Peru! That’s because I recently returned from an incredible journey to Peru with friends, Joe Vitale and Mark Ryan. Joe was the main reason we were in Peru.
You’re probably noticing a theme here. All the answers seem to be…Peru! That’s because I recently returned from an incredible journey to Peru with friends, Joe Vitale and Mark Ryan. Joe was the main reason we were in Peru.
He along with Bob Proctor was in the movie and book, The Secret and invited to speak in Lima.
The event in Spanish was billed as El Secreto.
Mark was along as a friend and videographer to capture Joe on video 24/7--kind of an “all about Joe” reality show.
Mark did a first rate job and was able to get some awesome high definition video. I can’t wait to see the finished product. I know you’ll love it too. I was along as a friend, chiropractor, partial tour guide, (I’ve been to Peru before), and to have fun.
Also, I was able to promote our book…Give to Live, The Real Secret To Manifesting Life’s Rewards.
It was an incredible journey on so many levels. Gastronomically, intellectually, inspirationally, spiritually and emotionally to name but a few “ly” words. But what touched me the most was the love and spirit with which the Peruvians embraced us.
From those that knew who Joe and his companions were to those who didn’t; people at a top notch hotel and restaurant, to those in a small market, to train, and airline personnel, to tour guides and translators…as well as service people of all kinds. Everyone with very few exceptions seemed to genuinely care about how we were treated and displayed personal pride in how they acted and spoke! I was overwhelmingly surprised and pleased by the level of service and love in the service. This is something that we used to have in the United States but has long since vanished, or at least is rare. But Peru was a breath of fresh air. It is what I remember we used to be like, and can be again. Genuine caring is transparent. For example, I experienced it with a woman who sat next to me on a bus and recommended a typical Peruvian restaurant to me. And the guide to German tourists who showed me the best place to sit on the train for an excellent view and great photo opportunities.
So to Peru, its people, go my compliments. It is a land of diversity and wonder. This was my second time to travel to Peru and yet I still haven’t experienced enough of it. There is so much more to see and do. I would surely travel there again—just invite me.
So to Peru, its people, go my compliments. It is a land of diversity and wonder. This was my second time to travel to Peru and yet I still haven’t experienced enough of it. There is so much more to see and do. I would surely travel there again—just invite me.
Though the journey seemed long in some respects, it was lightning fast in others. Each day was brimming over with activities.
Joe was met by promoters, groupies, news people, reporters and fans with great anticipation. It started the moment we landed and didn’t stop until we boarded the plane for home.

We were in Lima for several days then flew to the city of Cuzco—the navel of the World. Of course, airport personnel spotted Joe and asked for autographs—it was amazing and fun. Everyone seemed to have a bootleg copy of The Secret for Joe to sign.

They obviously didn’t know who I was. The author of four books, wellness practitioner, public speaker, award winning chiropractor, humanitarian, medical missionary, and co-author of Give to Live with Joe Vitale. And depending on whom you talk to, a double for Joel Osteen or Richard Gere. (In Mexico especially, everyone thinks I’m Richard Gere.) In fact, a whole restaurant thought I was Richard Gere, but that’s another story.
We were in Lima for several days then flew to the city of Cuzco—the navel of the World. Of course, airport personnel spotted Joe and asked for autographs—it was amazing and fun. Everyone seemed to have a bootleg copy of The Secret for Joe to sign.
They obviously didn’t know who I was. The author of four books, wellness practitioner, public speaker, award winning chiropractor, humanitarian, medical missionary, and co-author of Give to Live with Joe Vitale. And depending on whom you talk to, a double for Joel Osteen or Richard Gere. (In Mexico especially, everyone thinks I’m Richard Gere.) In fact, a whole restaurant thought I was Richard Gere, but that’s another story.
Anyway, getting back to Peru…so here I am schlepping bags and taking pictures with no one asking for my autograph—only Joe’s. Oh, the pain of it all! But, I got over it quickly…or maybe not if I’m still writing about it.
Photos were taken and then on to Sacred Valley.
Cusco’s elevation is 11,000 feet so we suffered from some massive headaches and difficulty breathing for a while. After all we live at sea level so it was quite an adjustment. We combated this by drinking coca tea and chewing coca leaves. Did it help? I’m still not sure. Probably yes.
From there we traveled by train (Peru Rail) for several hours to the town of Aguas Caliente at the base of Machu Picchu.
A short bus ride on switch back roads put us just a few hundred feet from the entrance to the ancient Incan city and the beautiful hotel, The Sanctuary Lodge. It has just two suites and twenty-nine rooms and is the only hotel there. Having been to Machu Picchu before, I was familiar with the lodge and knew that this would be the ideal spot to stay and, of course, afford the best views and continued access to the ancient city.
Here most people go for day hikes around the ruins or on the Incan trail. Maybe even ascend Machu Picchu and Wana Picchu. It was well worth it. They treated us like royalty. Amazed again! Several hotel staff recognized Joe from The Secret. We all posed for photos. Joe signed more autographs and yet again, no one recognized me. The pain deepens. Though I did, however, give out several of my affirmation and prayer cards. Joe and I also told everyone about our Give to Live book.
On this trip, we all seemed to be experiencing strange coincidences reminding us yet again of how small the World is. Besides Joe being recognized at this tiny hotel, over 3,000 miles from home, we also ran into a woman and her husband who has attended one of Joe’s seminars in Austin, Texas!
While hiking through the ruins of Machu Picchu, I met a young man and his wife from New Jersey. They live a few miles from where I was born. He is Peruvian but moved to New Jersey when he was ten.
Mark met two people working at different hotels who were from New York State where he had previously lived.
I also met some wonderful translators and their friends. One of which has a boyfriend who lives in a small New Jersey town close to where I lived and my great grandfather was a miner! This was getting strange.
Machu Picchu was spectacular! It is one of those trips everyone should try to do in their lifetime. I was amazed again by the feelings one experiences there—by the ingenuity of the Incans, the improbability a stone city on this mountain never found by the Spaniards, the feeling, a greatness, of smallness, of oneness, and of unity.
I was amazed that two thousand to three thousand people visit this ancient Incan city per day. It is a confluence of humanity, different races, religions, ideologies, and languages. I met people from all over the United States, France, Poland, Germany, Asia and Argentina.
Machu Picchu invites peace, harmony, and unity. It seems to be a place that connects us all. I say go, visit, enjoy…and go again!
From there, we retraced our steps back to Cuzco, on to Lima and home—the United States. It was a truly exceptional trip!
I hope you enjoy the photos and create your own journey and memories.
Be open…
Live life now!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. A big “thank you” goes to Jay Islam in coordinating this exceptional trip. Visit his website at
P.S. A big “thank you” goes to Jay Islam in coordinating this exceptional trip. Visit his website at
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