Last week, I spent a delightful evening with a group of people from the Sharpstown Toastmasters Club.
I was privileged to receive an invitation to deliver a talk about the book, Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life's Rewards. Of course, I was happy to accept.
Toastmasters Clubs are international with a diverse membership. I fully support any group of people who are dedicated to self-improvement--and they are!
Sharpstown Toastmasters Club mission statement is very powerful! It states that they "provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth".
I was genuinely impressed by the caliber of people in attendance and the quality of their meeting. Loving to talk about a few of my passions made my speech easy to deliver.
I explained how Give to Live was born into existence and the messages revealed within. Remember, Give to Live reveals that an open heart and a willingness to serve not only changes you, but also the planet.
It teaches perhaps newly for some and reinforces for others, the importance of giving their time, money and resources to a power higher than themselves. Readers also learn that once they start giving unconditionally, they'll manifest and receive personal rewards they couldn't fathom prior to giving.
Another passion and one of the themes in Give to Live is the idea that serving is the highest form of giving one can express. I use my involvement in medical mission work to illustrate this in the book and spoke of it at Toastmasters. As well as speaking about my friend, Rudy, who builds special ecological healthy stoves for the Nahuatl indigenous of Mexico.
Rudy taught me to speak a few Nahuatl words. One phrase I shared with the group was Amu Xi Maj Mahue--don't be afraid!
While we've all likely felt the joy and experienced the rewards of helping another human being, I'm also sure there were plenty of other times when we've all stopped ourselves from giving.
Giving money, sharing a talent, or personally serving someone. Because of finances, prejudices, lack of time or just plain fear.
We create a belief that we feel serves us. A glass ceiling, a threshold of giving that we are unwilling to pass through.
In doing so, our own growth is stiffened.
So we must find a way to break through this in order to receive abundance in life.
Amu Xi Mah Mahue. Do not be afraid.
Push through--find ways to give, to serve and create change in this world.
It was great fun for me to deliver those messages to the Toastmasters club.
I was quite surprised when at the end of the evening, they honored me with the "best speaker of the night" award.
It was an exciting night!
See every life fulfilled!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. Please continue to send the Give to Live message. Tell everyone you know to get their free e-book at www.givetolivebook.com or books can be purchased at amazon.com with 20% of the proceeds going to charity.