This Thursday as Americans, we celebrate and hold dear a special day that provides us an opportunity to give thanks; a day to unite with friends and family… a day of peace.
Thanksgiving is uniquely American but the ideals that it embodies are something that all countries and all peoples can embrace.
Our Thanksgiving started humbly in the early 1600’s by English settlers who endured many hardships, having fled from religious persecution.
Not the least of which was an extremely harsh New England winter that killed nearly half the colonists.
The survivors gave thanks to God for their new home, freedom, bountiful harvests and their new Indian friends that embraced them and aided their survival.
Though many Thanksgiving days were celebrated over the years, it wasn’t nationalized until President Abraham Lincoln made it so.
This glorious tradition continues to be held the last Thursday of November.
For many the history has been forgotten. For others it is simply a day to rest from hard work. For others it is an opportunity to see family that they otherwise may not see due to distance or time constraints. For others it is a day of true spiritual connectedness and gratitude to a loving God. And to others it is a day of peace and tranquility as all pause for a moment in time. Still others use it as a day to serve and give to those less fortunate and in need of help.
Those of us who “have” … can share… can give… can serve and… can pray for those who have not.
My sincerest wish is for all of the inhabitants of this planet to experience an abundance of love, health and wealth.
While this day is uniquely American, I hope that its message can be adopted and embraced by the world. A planetary day of Thanksgiving!
And yes, I know there are countless people who would find it extremely hard to be thankful or grateful even for one day.
I pray that even the poorest of people can locate one thing to be thankful for. To be able to say…thank God, I have this shelter, or my family, or my body, my eyesight, my hand or whatever it may be. To acknowledge this to their friends, family, God or just to their inner self is powerful.
Without even one thing to be thankful for, there is no hope. But if there is just one thing to be thankful for, a person’s spirit can be elevated!
A new attitude is adopted energy creates more energy and then self worth and inspiration dispel despair. Suddenly, magically, the doors are flung open for goodness of all kinds to enter into their life.
As their attraction increases, life becomes more fulfilling.
While I firmly believe thanksgiving and gratitude should be practiced daily, especially remember it this Thursday.
This Thanksgiving holiday see who you can give to. Challenge yourself to do a little extra even if you think you’ve done enough. You will find that you open yourself to receive more by being and doing more for others. The giver is always blessed with reward.
For the last fifteen years at my office we have collected food for the needy families in East Fort Bend County. It’s been a huge success thanks to the generosity of my patients and it’s been a blessing to my patients, community and myself. We love every minute of it. This is just one example. Do your own thing. Be inspired! Inspire others!
Count your blessings. I’m definitely counting mine!
Every one of you helps me to grow and challenges me to be better. I am thankful for each and every person in my life.
With sincerest gratitude—thank you!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. Joe Vitale and I are still giving away Give to Live e-books for free at For those who purchase books, we are also giving away partial proceeds to our charities like Rudy and the stoves and Joe’s homeless project—Operation YES
I love when people call, e-mail or write to me that Give to Live has changed their life and that they are buying books for family and friends.
One of my patients humbled me the other day by buying books for his seven children. But not only that, he has committed himself to do more for our community and the world. Soon, he will be going on a medical mission with me as part of his commitment. This is from a man who is already very giving. I am grateful to him and others who do their little piece to benefit mankind. It helps us all.
Thanks again to all of you!
P.P.S. For a fun and simple way of opening your life up for more abundance and prosperity to flow Give Away A Dollar A Day! It's just like it sounds - you give away one dollar, every day. The best way to do this is anonymously, and in a public place. But what really makes this practice so genuine and empowering is that you decide where and how to give away your dollar to whomever and however you want. Check out Todd Silva’s website at