As of Tuesday, June 1, a new law banning texting on cell phones
while driving in Missouri City, Texas went into effect. Even while
stopped at a traffic light or stop sign. I, for one, think this is
a great law and will prevent injuries and save lives.
Far too many of us have become so relaxed while driving that it's
like sitting comfortably in our homes with food, drinks, DVD's,
phones and cruise control.
I was appalled the other day when I observed a woman driving
on the freeway with an iPhone in her right hand using her thumb
to operate it and a flip phone in her left while holding the
steering wheel! This was definitely over the top!
I blew the horn at her and she looked up at me with the most
indignant look on her face. Like I was rude and interrupted her!
I'm sure some people think I shouldn't blow the horn, but I don't
want anyone looking down at their phone drifting over and hitting
me! And I'm going to continue to honk the horn.
The risks of texting or even talking while driving are huge. The
number one distraction while driving is cell phone use. The
National Safety Council says that texting is six times more likely
to cause an accident than driving while intoxicated!
Imagine if a person is drunk, or high, texting, listening to the
radio with dogs, kids or other people in the vehicle trying to
juggle the hot Starbucks or soft drink and eat the burger and
fries!! Oh, yes and play a clarinet at the same time. Okay, I'm
exaggerating just a little...maybe. But I have seen a guy driving
a truck with two hands on a clarinet resting it on the center of
the steering wheel!
Bottom line, driving is a serious business and I think we'veall
become a little too relaxed about it. Especially as it relates
with food and phones. It's becoming a significant life altering
I've been noticing a very alarming trend in my chiropractic
wellness practice. I am treating an ever increasing amount of
patients from trauma due to motor vehicle collisions. Most are my
existing patients, some past patients and others referred by
patients or medical doctors. Some have had devastating collisions.
I am and always have been, willing to help my patients or those
they care about in any way I can. Returning someone back to
optimum health after a trauma is important work and requires
clinical competence. Healing takes time and musculoskeletal and
neurologic degeneration needs to be thwarted.
Just the other day, I accepted a patient for care who was referred
by another current patient. He was amazed by all the ways with
which we treat including adjusting the spine and nutritional
intervention. I was amazed because he had told me about a previous
terrible experience he had being treated at an "accident clinic"
that an attorney had sent him to. The chiropractor never even
adjusted his spine.
This man wasn't treated properly, had a bad experience with the
attorney and the doctor. He only agreed to see me at the urging of
a family member. He overcame his previous negative experience, now
he's doing great and very happy.
The point is there are lots of "accident clinics" with dubious
attorney connections. I can't tell you how many times we refuse to
accept an accident patient that doesn't know us; referred by an
attorney we don't know where the circumstances are questionable.
It happens a lot. Believe me, there is a lot of corruption out
Accident cases aren't our primary source of business, as you well
know, we are a wellness clinic. But we will treat people who have
sustained a legitimate injury. They need help and have the right
to receive exceptional care.
I know it seems trite and easy to say, but prevention is the best
medicine always, in all ways! So think safety first. The best
accident is the one you don't have. Be alert...stay off the phone.
I don't want you or someone you love to be injured or, worse,
God forbid you become injured, but if you do, I'll be happy to help
anyway I can.
I don't give legal or insurance advice, but there are two things
I've learned over the years. First, there are better ways to pick
an attorney than from a commercial or the yellow pages. I'm not
saying you need or don't need an attorney, but if you're thinking
about retaining one, ask me about it.
Secondly, please speak with your insurance agent and get
personal injury protection (PIP) added to your policy if you don't
have it. It's very inexpensive and pays for medical expenses and
lost wages. There are a lot of uninsured drivers out there. You
need to protect yourself because medical bills can add up quickly
after a trauma. I've seen too many patients suffer a financial
loss by not having personal injury protection on their policy.
Check it out with your agent.
One last statistic to think about--teenage drivers are four times
more likely to get in an accident while texting and driving than
adults. We all know they think they are invincible, just as we
once did.
Let's all stay safe and healthy!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. I have a free motor vehicle collision report with information
most insurance companies don't want you to know. If you're
interested, let me know
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Patient That Made Me Cry

Yes, I admit it. Tears welled up in my eyes and I had to clear my throat after Chad handed me a framed photo of himself. It was just another routine visit to the chiropractor for Chad, his wife and family. But this day, he surprised me with a note encased in a frame with a photo of him finishing the Houston Marathon. His first! I was thrilled to see his picture. Arms victoriously held high with a huge smile of accomplishment on his face. Then I read the heartfelt note below it. I was very touched. Chad, of course, did all the hard work. He was dedicated to his goal and achieved it. This is what Chad wrote…
I completed my first marathon, 26.2 miles, in five hours and sixteen minutes. It was one of the most painful, yet rewarding experiences in my life. I was considered a hero because I ran for the charity, Bo’s Place.
Dr. Barrett, you were a key part in this process. Along the way, you provided continual encouragement. Your energy around giving and helping others has flowed through me and to Bo’s Place, as well as all those around me. My family is truly blessed.
I consider you a friend and a God given gift to my family. Before I began training, the strength test you performed and supplements you provided pointed me in the right direction. During training, your chiropractic care kept me in alignment and I am positive—kept me stronger. After I completed the marathon, your loving words, “I am proud of you” continue to resonate in my soul.
From my ankles to my knees and from my hips to my lower back, every joint, muscle and tissue thanks you, Dr. Barrett, for your love and friendship. I also thank God for your talents that you continue to share and give so freely. You, Dr. Barrett, are the hero!
~Chad Collins and Family
I don’t consider myself a hero. I am humbled that Chad does. I’m just satisfied to have been a positive influence on his health and to be a part of his marathon success. It was fantastic to witness Chad’s growth through this process. I must say, I have one of the most gratifying careers in the world…participating in helping people with a myriad of health complaints overcome sickness, regain health, and improve the quality of their lives. Whether they run a marathon like Chad or are simply able to lift and hold their child without pain. I get to witness some amazing outcomes as the innate processes of the body restore function and health to the human body. I am truly blessed to be a part of so many lives!
It’s hard to put a price on Chad’s words or others like him who share their successes with me. I asked Chad if I could share this story and he happily gave me permission. Some may think I wrote this simply to feed my own ego, but not so. In my career as a wellness practitioner, I all too often encounter patients who seek my help after they’ve failed to overcome disease, pain or achieve the results they long for, are capable of and deserve. Other chiropractors experience the same. Such was the case of a young boy who suffered needlessly with a misdiagnosed childhood disease which created constant pain and episodic periods of immobilization for years. That is until a chiropractor, Dr. Terry Smedstad, gave this patient, (now a man), the answer to his lingering questions and a solution to his pain. In addition, wonderful side effects of increased vitality, improved health and a new vocation in life…to become a chiropractor and help others as he was helped. That boy was me! I continually give Dr. Smedstad full credit for changing my life. I’ve written the full story in my book, “Dare to Break Through the Pain; A Guide to Healing Naturally Without Drugs and Surgery” and “Healed by Morning”.
I can never thank him enough. He changed me forever and has given me the opportunity to change others. If I am a hero to Chad and his family, I understand and am grateful because Dr. Smedstad is a hero to me. Chad's story stands as a testament to what each of us is capable of. I am hopeful that it will inspire and encourage others.
I am confident that the people who need to hear this message…will, and lives will be changed forever.
To Chad…all I can say is, Thanks for being dedicated…not to me, but to yourself. And not just in this magnificent achievement, but daily. Also, for giving your family the gift of chiropractic care. You are all blessings to everyone you encounter and great examples for others to follow!
To all who suffer with pain or other health complaints, I say continue to seek help. There are solutions to your problems. It may take some effort but the rewards are great! The list of natural solutions are many…acupuncture, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, chiropractic, meditation and prayer to name a few.
Think more natural; be involved in the daily task of staying healthy and being well!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Beyond Borders, Politics and Religion
Beyond borders, politics and religion...
stands an organization that tirelessly serves. They are Rotary International. I am happy to report that I am affiliated with this wonderful organization and proud to be distinguished as a charter member of the newly formed Southwest 59 Sunrise Rotary Club. For those who aren't familiar with Rotary International, they are "the World's first service club organization with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs Worldwide. Rotary Club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace and eradicate polio under the motto, 'Service Above Self'."
Their ideals have long aligned with my thinking. Every Rotarian I've ever known has been ethical, honest and an outstanding World class citizen.
They exemplify the attitudes, ideals and actions I speak of in my book, Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life's Rewards.
It is a privilege to be associated with all Rotarians throughout the World and especially the charter members of our newest club in the greater Houston area.
I invite you to investigate Rotary International to see for yourself. Check out or YouTube at
stands an organization that tirelessly serves. They are Rotary International. I am happy to report that I am affiliated with this wonderful organization and proud to be distinguished as a charter member of the newly formed Southwest 59 Sunrise Rotary Club. For those who aren't familiar with Rotary International, they are "the World's first service club organization with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs Worldwide. Rotary Club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace and eradicate polio under the motto, 'Service Above Self'."
Their ideals have long aligned with my thinking. Every Rotarian I've ever known has been ethical, honest and an outstanding World class citizen.
They exemplify the attitudes, ideals and actions I speak of in my book, Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life's Rewards.
It is a privilege to be associated with all Rotarians throughout the World and especially the charter members of our newest club in the greater Houston area.
I invite you to investigate Rotary International to see for yourself. Check out or YouTube at
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Ultimate Giver
Today is Easter Sunday. A day when all Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ...the Son of God. Those of you who are non-Christians please stay with me for a moment. My intent here is not to proselytize, but simply to use Jesus, the man, as an example of the ultimate servant...the ultimate giver.
The life of Jesus, short as it was revolved around honoring and loving God the Creator. He preached peace, love, caring for the poor, leading a life of goodness, honoring life and loving others as one would love themselves.
Jesus was a model giver and servant. He stood for something greater than himself and willingly died for the salvation of all humanity.
Is their a greater gift than giving one's life for another?
Naturally, I can't feel what a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Jew, non-Christian or anyone else, for that mattter, feel on this day. But I am hopeful that we can all use Jesus as an example of how to BE.
This Easter weekend gives me yet another opportunity to reflect on my life. To evaluate the direction I'm headed and make any course corrections needed.
I get to ask, who am I and what do I stand for? How much am I willing to sacrifice for others...daily...or in a grand way? Could I have the compassion, the strength and courage of Jesus...even one tenth the courage?
Life, as you know, is made up of a series of opportunities, decisions, and choices. At the end of the day, at the end of a life, perhaps all we can hope for is that the good decisions out weigh the bad ones. That we've done more good than harm, and showed more love than hate.
My wife has decided that in her death, she wishes to go on helping others. While she and I have spoken about this before, it has just become official. It just became more real to me. She showed me her newly arrived donor card. When Mary's spirit leaves this world, her body will continue to give life to others. It will be her last gift of love.
On this day and every day, I pray each of us has the courage to be a better person, to break through the shackles that bind us to any belief that is harmful to another.
Give more! Love more! Be more!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. Mary signed up with
The life of Jesus, short as it was revolved around honoring and loving God the Creator. He preached peace, love, caring for the poor, leading a life of goodness, honoring life and loving others as one would love themselves.
Jesus was a model giver and servant. He stood for something greater than himself and willingly died for the salvation of all humanity.
Is their a greater gift than giving one's life for another?
Naturally, I can't feel what a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Jew, non-Christian or anyone else, for that mattter, feel on this day. But I am hopeful that we can all use Jesus as an example of how to BE.
This Easter weekend gives me yet another opportunity to reflect on my life. To evaluate the direction I'm headed and make any course corrections needed.
I get to ask, who am I and what do I stand for? How much am I willing to sacrifice for others...daily...or in a grand way? Could I have the compassion, the strength and courage of Jesus...even one tenth the courage?
Life, as you know, is made up of a series of opportunities, decisions, and choices. At the end of the day, at the end of a life, perhaps all we can hope for is that the good decisions out weigh the bad ones. That we've done more good than harm, and showed more love than hate.
My wife has decided that in her death, she wishes to go on helping others. While she and I have spoken about this before, it has just become official. It just became more real to me. She showed me her newly arrived donor card. When Mary's spirit leaves this world, her body will continue to give life to others. It will be her last gift of love.
On this day and every day, I pray each of us has the courage to be a better person, to break through the shackles that bind us to any belief that is harmful to another.
Give more! Love more! Be more!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. Mary signed up with
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Secret Project
Machu Picchu Peru, where an ancient Incan city once existed is a breathtaking, magical place. If you can't feel God there, you may have a serious problem. Nature connects us with God and this place turbo charges that connection, almost instantaneously. Perhaps the ruins of an ancient civilization and the spirit of the people accentuate the feelings, the connection, and the experience.
But whatever it is, it's hard to describe. Fate has brought me there twice and yet I yearn to return. Awe, peace, tranquility, creativity, and inspiration all collide there. It is an essential travel destination everyone should experience. One for the bucket list for sure!
This past trip I was blessed to stay at what felt like the top of the world...The Sanctuary Lodge. It's positioned beautifully in the mountains at the foot of the ancient Incan city. Just the name should give you a sense of what my two traveling companions, Joe Vitale, Mark Ryan, and I felt and experienced.
Even Joe being a master wordsmith still can't fully express the emotions, the almost out of body experience that Machu Picchu evokes from a person. It is a mystical place.
While there, conversations and emotions took us in many directions. We were inspired to discuss blessings and gratitude, how beliefs create our realities and the topic of giving and receiving. We discussed how and why people have self imposed limitations about giving and serving and that others don't recognize giving and the ability to receive as an essential component to their ability to grow and prosper. We also discussed how people can clear their blocks to receiving...very simply.
It was then and there we decided to work on a secret life changing create a solution for people who are "stuck" in their lives.
Thankfully, Mark had his professional video camera with him and filmed Joe and I discussing giving. But he also captured the magnificence of Machu Picchu in such a way that you believe you are actually walking the paths of the ruins. You feel you are there. What was created from that experience is absolutely life changing. It's a must have video.
Even for those that believe they don't need it. Well...especially for those that believe they don't need it.
Mark masterfully created a truly spectacular subliminal DVD. Anyone interested in personal growth and societal change will immediately love and benefit from this DVD. Marks expertise in hypnosis, NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and subliminal video skills are used in this DVD to encourage our brains reticular activating system, to begin opening and seeing the abundance and wealth in our possession, in so many areas of our lives. As you watch and use this video you begin to see your world through new eyes...eyes that begin to believe and see that you are always getting all that you desire and learning how to properly receive.
The reticular activating system locks in and only lets you see what your belief system accepts as reality. If you don't believe it, you can't see it!
This means that you can already have what you've tried to manifest in your life...right in front of you. But because this part of your brain doesn't believe in it, this system will lock you out of experiencing what you don't believe you deserve!
This special subliminal manifestation DVD teaches your unconscious mind to shift making the RA's open up, to train it to work with the natural flow of giving and receiving. Being a person who is in a continual serving/giving mode and being part of this project doesn't exclude me from needing help too. Just like you, I am on a journey, a road of growth and discovery. You and I can't judge ourselves by the measurements or criteria of others, only by our own. This subliminal DVD is just one more tool that can be used to foster growth, change...¦improvement. It's not a tool that I think only you need. I believe everyone needs it, including Joe, Mark and me.
My goal is to continually strive towards becoming a better person...the best version of me. I am open to using any tool that doesn't create harm and moves me in the right direction. I have watched this special subliminal DVD multiple times and plan to use it on a regular basis. Each time I watch it, I feel better, lighter, happier, more attractive...more connected. I notice something is different, but I can't quite express what it is. But it's similar to the sensation of finally drinking water after being extremely thirsty for a long time. All systems start to work better, energy is restored, life comes back, and the power is on!
Machu Picchu was a life changing, inspiring experience for us that birthed a subliminal manifestation DVD that we are confident will change lives forever- including the people who we have pledged to serve on a humanitarian level. Part of the proceeds will fund Rudy and the Nahuatl Indigenous Stove Project, the medical missions, Operation YES (helping the homeless) and any other humanitarian need that crosses our paths entering our hearts, such as Haiti or Chili and others that are bound to follow.
We have been very pleased to receive some wonderful e-mails like this from Lisa D.: "My husband and I just got done watching your Give to Live, Clearing Blocks to Receiving DVD. We love the informal setting, and the beautiful views of Macchu Picchu. Very peaceful and calming. We felt this was a perfect match to your book, Give to Live. This DVD gives a reader of the book, Give to Live, a more personal connection and understanding of the two of you. It also helps the reader to better understand what is really important in ones life. The gift of giving can be so rewarding and beneficial. Thank you for a GREAT book and a WONDERFUL DVD, we will watch it often."
Cynthia said, "Your DVD is thoughtful, innovative and just plain cool! I must thank you for bringing Give to Live into my life and the lives of so many who have benefited from its content. From my first look at the DVD, I was immediately taken with the concept of conscious choices and the impact of purposeful choices in achieving the results we desire in our lives. That and the model for successful receiving and opening up to allow our blessings to flow."
One woman told me that she was buying the DVD for her friend who was in great need of hearing the message of "Clearing Blocks to Receiving" through giving. Sometimes
we may sense there are friends or family who may need the message just a little more than we do. If you think of someone, give them a gift too. I promise, the act of giving to them will return great dividends to you both. But you already knew that!
Listen to your intuition, your heart...God. If this feels right to you, check it out, watch the video excerpt at
Then get one for yourself!
Wishing you great success, health and happiness,
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. The DVD includes:
A 4 minute introduction
A 25 minute interview between Joe Vitale and me and...
A 20 minute Master Subliminal "Clearing Blocks to Receiving"
Mark, Joe and I know you will enjoy the DVD! Please let us know what you experience!
But whatever it is, it's hard to describe. Fate has brought me there twice and yet I yearn to return. Awe, peace, tranquility, creativity, and inspiration all collide there. It is an essential travel destination everyone should experience. One for the bucket list for sure!
This past trip I was blessed to stay at what felt like the top of the world...The Sanctuary Lodge. It's positioned beautifully in the mountains at the foot of the ancient Incan city. Just the name should give you a sense of what my two traveling companions, Joe Vitale, Mark Ryan, and I felt and experienced.
Even Joe being a master wordsmith still can't fully express the emotions, the almost out of body experience that Machu Picchu evokes from a person. It is a mystical place.
While there, conversations and emotions took us in many directions. We were inspired to discuss blessings and gratitude, how beliefs create our realities and the topic of giving and receiving. We discussed how and why people have self imposed limitations about giving and serving and that others don't recognize giving and the ability to receive as an essential component to their ability to grow and prosper. We also discussed how people can clear their blocks to receiving...very simply.
It was then and there we decided to work on a secret life changing create a solution for people who are "stuck" in their lives.
Thankfully, Mark had his professional video camera with him and filmed Joe and I discussing giving. But he also captured the magnificence of Machu Picchu in such a way that you believe you are actually walking the paths of the ruins. You feel you are there. What was created from that experience is absolutely life changing. It's a must have video.
Even for those that believe they don't need it. Well...especially for those that believe they don't need it.
Mark masterfully created a truly spectacular subliminal DVD. Anyone interested in personal growth and societal change will immediately love and benefit from this DVD. Marks expertise in hypnosis, NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and subliminal video skills are used in this DVD to encourage our brains reticular activating system, to begin opening and seeing the abundance and wealth in our possession, in so many areas of our lives. As you watch and use this video you begin to see your world through new eyes...eyes that begin to believe and see that you are always getting all that you desire and learning how to properly receive.
The reticular activating system locks in and only lets you see what your belief system accepts as reality. If you don't believe it, you can't see it!
This means that you can already have what you've tried to manifest in your life...right in front of you. But because this part of your brain doesn't believe in it, this system will lock you out of experiencing what you don't believe you deserve!
This special subliminal manifestation DVD teaches your unconscious mind to shift making the RA's open up, to train it to work with the natural flow of giving and receiving. Being a person who is in a continual serving/giving mode and being part of this project doesn't exclude me from needing help too. Just like you, I am on a journey, a road of growth and discovery. You and I can't judge ourselves by the measurements or criteria of others, only by our own. This subliminal DVD is just one more tool that can be used to foster growth, change...¦improvement. It's not a tool that I think only you need. I believe everyone needs it, including Joe, Mark and me.
My goal is to continually strive towards becoming a better person...the best version of me. I am open to using any tool that doesn't create harm and moves me in the right direction. I have watched this special subliminal DVD multiple times and plan to use it on a regular basis. Each time I watch it, I feel better, lighter, happier, more attractive...more connected. I notice something is different, but I can't quite express what it is. But it's similar to the sensation of finally drinking water after being extremely thirsty for a long time. All systems start to work better, energy is restored, life comes back, and the power is on!
Machu Picchu was a life changing, inspiring experience for us that birthed a subliminal manifestation DVD that we are confident will change lives forever- including the people who we have pledged to serve on a humanitarian level. Part of the proceeds will fund Rudy and the Nahuatl Indigenous Stove Project, the medical missions, Operation YES (helping the homeless) and any other humanitarian need that crosses our paths entering our hearts, such as Haiti or Chili and others that are bound to follow.
We have been very pleased to receive some wonderful e-mails like this from Lisa D.: "My husband and I just got done watching your Give to Live, Clearing Blocks to Receiving DVD. We love the informal setting, and the beautiful views of Macchu Picchu. Very peaceful and calming. We felt this was a perfect match to your book, Give to Live. This DVD gives a reader of the book, Give to Live, a more personal connection and understanding of the two of you. It also helps the reader to better understand what is really important in ones life. The gift of giving can be so rewarding and beneficial. Thank you for a GREAT book and a WONDERFUL DVD, we will watch it often."
Cynthia said, "Your DVD is thoughtful, innovative and just plain cool! I must thank you for bringing Give to Live into my life and the lives of so many who have benefited from its content. From my first look at the DVD, I was immediately taken with the concept of conscious choices and the impact of purposeful choices in achieving the results we desire in our lives. That and the model for successful receiving and opening up to allow our blessings to flow."
One woman told me that she was buying the DVD for her friend who was in great need of hearing the message of "Clearing Blocks to Receiving" through giving. Sometimes
we may sense there are friends or family who may need the message just a little more than we do. If you think of someone, give them a gift too. I promise, the act of giving to them will return great dividends to you both. But you already knew that!
Listen to your intuition, your heart...God. If this feels right to you, check it out, watch the video excerpt at
Then get one for yourself!
Wishing you great success, health and happiness,
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. The DVD includes:
A 4 minute introduction
A 25 minute interview between Joe Vitale and me and...
A 20 minute Master Subliminal "Clearing Blocks to Receiving"
Mark, Joe and I know you will enjoy the DVD! Please let us know what you experience!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Making Beautiful Music Together
You may recall, I was inspired to write a couple of prayers. One is in my book, Healed by Morning, the other hasn't been published in a body of work yet.
Recently, I was also inspired to turn these prayers into songs and to record my Affirmation of Service from the book, Give to Live.
With the help of my good friend and talented musician/producer, Todd Silva and two awesome friend, Gail Best and my sister, Kathleen Woods,we are making some beautiful music together. I know you will love it!
I'm very excited about this project and can't wait to share the final product with you. You will be blown away!
More to come soon...
Monday, February 22, 2010
We Received An Inspiring Phone Call--You'll Love To Hear About!
During a very busy day with patients, Mary took a phone call from a woman in Florida. That in itself is not particularly unusual, of course. We routinely receive calls from people in other states to purchase books or nutritional products. But what she wanted was to ship us something. The something?...A wheelchair!
She started by telling Mary this story. She had taken a friend to a doctor’s appointment at the hospital and naturally had to wait for her. Unfortunately, she had forgotten to bring a book to occupy her time. Looking for a magazine to read, she felt drawn to The Daily Word magazine that lay amongst a large variety of other magazines. She picked it up and read an article by Laura Harvey called, “A Passion for Giving”. It tells about how I became a medical missionary, why I continue to do it and why everyone needs to find an outlet to give. There’s a great photo of me pushing a young man in a wheelchair with his cousin and father in the background. Actually, I had him leaning back in the chair as I “popped a wheelie” with him. It was great fun, especially because it gave him new freedom. He rarely got out of the house unless someone carried him out. The article mentions him and the wheelchair we donated. We didn’t know who would benefit from the chair but we were guided to him. It was a perfect match. It even had a seatbelt…which he needed.
Well, the woman from Florida was so moved by the article, that she told her husband about it when she returned home. He became inspired and reminded his wife that they possessed a new wheelchair that had been her mother’s. At that moment they decided to contact our office and ship the wheelchair to me. Their intention is for me to bring it on my next medical mission and donate it to just the right person.
Isn’t it wonderful how a short article like that can move people to such great action? That wheelchair will soon find a new home and be of use and comfort to other people far from its original home. Countless lives may benefit from it over a lifetime. And what of that couple in Florida? What else will they do? I doubt it’s over for them.
I’m confident if they aren’t already in service to others, they will be now. I wonder who else may have read the article and been inspired to take action in their own way? The ripple effect may be endless.
To some, the donation of a wheelchair may seem somewhat insignificant in the scope of world problems. But to the people whose lives are enhanced by it…it’s priceless.
What kind of change could we see in our lifetime if everyone was “tuned in” the way those folks were. They listened to inspiration, their inner voice, intuition, the nudge from God. Whatever it was, they not only listened, but took the next critical step that so many ignore—they took action. It’s a lesson we can all learn from. Listen and act. I invite you to read the Daily Word article, the magazine is wonderful and I know you’ll love it! To view the article visit the Daily Word website at
Yours In Service,
Dr. Rick Barrett
Friday, February 19, 2010
Mary and I were privileged to become Godparents to our nephew, Matthew! We had a beautiful ceremony in which he was welcomed by the entire church.
It’s wonderful to see the joy and feel the energy that a baby can bring to people. In today’s world we need more of that joy and energy.
Matthew is nine months old and a hefty little guy. At one point during the ceremony, the priest asked for the Godparents to hold him for a blessing. Some how I was elected. As I stood holding Matthew, in the blink of an eye he thrust his right hand out towards a large lit candle that stood next to us. There with his little fingers, he scooped up some of the soft warm wax and proceeded to put it in his mouth! I was looking the other way and didn’t even see it happen. He apparently has no fear of fire and it didn’t trouble him at all. In fact, he liked it!
As we scooped little bits of wax out of his mouth, I thought, “Oh, well, this is it. I’ve only been a Godparent for five minutes and their going to revoke my privileges, cancel my contract and solicit a new Godfather.” But they gave me a pass on this one…whew!
What each parent wants, what each parishioner hopes for is that this child will survive, thrive and have opportunities in life that perhaps they didn’t have. That he will become a valuable member of our world community. That he will live his life with honor and integrity and treat others with love, kindness and generosity. That this child will live without hate and prejudice, and compassion fills his heart. That this child will do the good and honorable things that perhaps we were not able to do. That this child and every new child becomes a second chance…an opportunity for us to redeem ourselves…to be the hope for a peaceful world.
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. I ask that you place a blessing on Matthew in your own way and on all the newborns of the world…thank you.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Would You Walk A Mile In My Shoes?
I can hear that question reverberating in the minds of the poor.
Well…can we?
Will we?
Each person must answer those questions for themselves. One man though says yes to show his commitment! To changing the lives of the poor, Bob Hentzen will walk 8,000 miles from San Lucas Toleman Guatemala to Valparaiso, Chile! This is an arduous journey for anyone let alone Bob. He is 73 years old!
This is also his second walk to show solidarity with the impoverished. His first walk, three years ago, was a mere 4,000 miles.
Why walk?
Bob feels that “those living in poverty can feel forgotten by the rest of the world.”
He simply wants to say to the poor, “You are not alone...” and “I love you”.
Bob started walking December 29th, 2009 and anticipates a sixteen month journey taking him some 8,000 plus miles through twelve countries.
Hentzen is the president and co-founder of the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging.
They serve more than 182,000 children, youth and the aging in the twelve countries Bob will walk through, and more than 310,000 worldwide!
Their commitment to changing lives over many years is to be applauded and marveled at. Hentzen displays extraordinary courage and dedication as he embarks on this 8,000 mile journey to walk in the shoes of the poor.
He has given me pause to reflect on my own journey and willingness to serve and to review my commitment towards the betterment of humanity.
Bob is an inspiration to me. A new year affords us another opportunity to reevaluate the direction of our lives.
As we set goals for 2010 and beyond in all areas of our lives, we should remember to set goals for giving. Perhaps it’s time to ask ourselves harder, deeper questions. What more can I do? What can I be a part of that creates change in the world-- in one town, in one family, in one life.
What can I create?—maybe an organization, a fund, or something else. Who can I partner with? Who else shares my beliefs or has the same concerns? What gifts, talents, and resources do I have to offer?
As you look into the mirror of your soul evaluate what you see. Are you happy with it? Is there more to be done? Where do you see yourself?
Listen to inspiration that may be whispering softly or even shouting loudly to you. The nudge in your soul may be divine inspiration from the creator that will also guide you create a plan. Take action, enjoy the journey, experience the emotion, and reap the rewards.
Your journey may take you on a walk like Bob Hentzen or on countless other paths. The possibilities are limitless. We can create all that we wish to create for ourselves and others in an abundant world.
You can follow Bob Hentzen on his amazing, inspirational journey, by going to
If you’d like to learn more about the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging go to
A useful tool for your own journey is the Acts of Service Journal in Give to Live. Both are free! Simply go to
Whose feet are those before you?
They have walked a thousand miles
Through hardship, pain, and suffering
They have weathered worldly trials
Searching for their destination
These way-weary feet
Travel ever onward
Ignoring sand, sun, and heat
The way is rarely easy
The path not always clear
Still they keep on searching
Hoping home is somewhere near
A place of final resting
Of beauty, love, and peace
Where the bonds of earthly torment
Will finally gain release
Someone waits to wash those feet
To soothe the pain away
Cleansing the sins of human life
Along with dirt and clay
Whose feet are those before you?
They seek a heavenly goal
Perhaps the feet of Jesus
Perhaps those of your soul. ~M.F.K.
Well…can we?
Will we?
Each person must answer those questions for themselves. One man though says yes to show his commitment! To changing the lives of the poor, Bob Hentzen will walk 8,000 miles from San Lucas Toleman Guatemala to Valparaiso, Chile! This is an arduous journey for anyone let alone Bob. He is 73 years old!
This is also his second walk to show solidarity with the impoverished. His first walk, three years ago, was a mere 4,000 miles.
Why walk?
Bob feels that “those living in poverty can feel forgotten by the rest of the world.”
He simply wants to say to the poor, “You are not alone...” and “I love you”.
Bob started walking December 29th, 2009 and anticipates a sixteen month journey taking him some 8,000 plus miles through twelve countries.
Hentzen is the president and co-founder of the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging.
They serve more than 182,000 children, youth and the aging in the twelve countries Bob will walk through, and more than 310,000 worldwide!
Their commitment to changing lives over many years is to be applauded and marveled at. Hentzen displays extraordinary courage and dedication as he embarks on this 8,000 mile journey to walk in the shoes of the poor.
He has given me pause to reflect on my own journey and willingness to serve and to review my commitment towards the betterment of humanity.
Bob is an inspiration to me. A new year affords us another opportunity to reevaluate the direction of our lives.
As we set goals for 2010 and beyond in all areas of our lives, we should remember to set goals for giving. Perhaps it’s time to ask ourselves harder, deeper questions. What more can I do? What can I be a part of that creates change in the world-- in one town, in one family, in one life.
What can I create?—maybe an organization, a fund, or something else. Who can I partner with? Who else shares my beliefs or has the same concerns? What gifts, talents, and resources do I have to offer?
As you look into the mirror of your soul evaluate what you see. Are you happy with it? Is there more to be done? Where do you see yourself?
Listen to inspiration that may be whispering softly or even shouting loudly to you. The nudge in your soul may be divine inspiration from the creator that will also guide you create a plan. Take action, enjoy the journey, experience the emotion, and reap the rewards.
Your journey may take you on a walk like Bob Hentzen or on countless other paths. The possibilities are limitless. We can create all that we wish to create for ourselves and others in an abundant world.
You can follow Bob Hentzen on his amazing, inspirational journey, by going to
If you’d like to learn more about the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging go to
A useful tool for your own journey is the Acts of Service Journal in Give to Live. Both are free! Simply go to
Whose feet are those before you?
They have walked a thousand miles
Through hardship, pain, and suffering
They have weathered worldly trials
Searching for their destination
These way-weary feet
Travel ever onward
Ignoring sand, sun, and heat
The way is rarely easy
The path not always clear
Still they keep on searching
Hoping home is somewhere near
A place of final resting
Of beauty, love, and peace
Where the bonds of earthly torment
Will finally gain release
Someone waits to wash those feet
To soothe the pain away
Cleansing the sins of human life
Along with dirt and clay
Whose feet are those before you?
They seek a heavenly goal
Perhaps the feet of Jesus
Perhaps those of your soul. ~M.F.K.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Secret to Receiving More
Like me, you've probably been studying
manifestation and the Law of Attraction
for a long time, or maybe it's something
new to you.
Perhaps you've seen the movie, The
Secret and were energized by it, but you
felt something was missing.
Likely you've had some success with the law
of attraction, manifesting certain experiences,
material possessions, a little money, or
relationships into your life
Even if you weren't quite sure how it works.
But even if you fully understand the Law of may still have abundance
that eludes you somehow.
There's still something more that you want.
You may know all the secrets to wealth and
getting what you want, but if you don't know
how to give and receive... all the secrets in
the world won't help you.
Let me explain...
Our brains have something called a reticular
activating system (RAS). This system tends to
lock in and only let you see what your belief
system accepts as reality. If you don't believe
it, you cannot see it.
This means that you may already have what you've
tried to manifest into your life -- right in front
of you. But because this part of your brain
doesn't believe it, this system will lock you
out of experiencing what you don't believe
you deserve.
Your manifestation system may be working just
fine. But your belief system may be blocking you
from accepting, experiencing, and receiving all
that the universe has in store for you.
What can you do about this?
Dr. Joe Vitale, Mark Ryan, and I traveled to
Macchu Picchu, Peru last year. There, we were
inspired to create a special edition Subliminal
Manifestation DVD on just this issue. You can
read about it -- and see a video excerpt -- here:
This special subliminal DVD teaches your
unconscious mind to shift that around, to
make your reticular activating system open
up and train it to work with the natural flow
of giving and receiving.
This DVD works with both your conscious and
unconscious mind to open you up to giving and
receiving all that the abundance the universe has
in store for you.
The DVD starts with a 25-minute interview with
Dr. Joe Vitale and myself about how to open
these processes inside yourself. Both Dr. Vitale
and myself were in a heightened state of bliss
during this interview, as it was conducted on top
of sacred Macchu Picchu in Peru.
Watch as our positive energy flows out, inspiring
you consciously to understand this critical flow
of giving and receiving.
The next segment is a spectacular, moving
20-minute piece filmed in Macchu Picchu.
Watching this video of nature's beautiful,
sacred abundance, coupled with a
special musical piece composed specifically
for this video, opens you up to levels of ancient
understanding deep within you. You can actually
*feel* this when you watch the video.
You might see little flickers on the subliminal
portion of the video, as you relax and watch.
They are just a little faster than your conscious
mind can grasp, but not too fast for your
unconscious. In this way, we bypass the
conscious mind's objections and blocks,
and you will gently stir the deeper understanding
of the cycle of giving and receiving within you.
Hypnotist Mark J. Ryan's smooth hypnotic voice
guides you through this special 20-minute video.
Mark's expertise in hypnosis, NLP (neurolinguistic
programming), and subliminal video skills
encourage your RAS to begin opening
and seeing the abundance and wealth you
already have in so many areas of your life.
As you watch and use this video, you will begin to
see your world through new eyes... eyes that begin
to believe and see that you are always getting all
that you deserve and desire... by learning how to
properly receive -- and how to properly give to
And how to allow more -- to begin to finally
attract what has been eluding you.
Imagine *that*.
Here's the bonus to this learning: as you start to
receive more, it amplifies your manifesting. As
you open and receive more, it adds to your own
experience, thus changing your experience,
which also solidifies your new belief systems.
I am sure you have heard the saying, "The rich get
richer and the poor get poorer." Well that is the
result of a receiving feedback loop. In one loop,
you are open and receive more... in the latter,
you don't believe you should receive more and
so you receive less.
Are you beginning to see how powerful this is?
When you receive plenty and more than sufficient
supply, you then are more open to giving because
you have more to give, and the desire to give
increases as well.
So now you have a system that both pushes and
pulls in the same direction. How much faster do
you expect things to improve in your life when you
have one engine pushing and another pulling in the
same direction? When you've been living with
two engines pulling in opposite directions,
the improvement will feel dramatic.
If you have that much energy working for you,
why not have it work in the same direction?
Why not finally get in alignment to attract
all that you long for?
The Subliminal Manifestation Special Edition
Give to Live: Clearing Blocks to Receiving will
be selling for $69.99 but for a limited time we
are offering it for an introductory rate of only
The DVD includes:
* a 4 minute introduction
* 25 minute interview between Dr. Vitale and me
* 20 minute Master Subliminal "Clearing Blocks
to Receiving" video
As a bonus, I am giving away the
digital version of my highly acclaimed and
"Give to Live" book, on which this special DVD is
based. It also includes Dr. Joe Vitale's wonderful
and powerful "Greatest Money Making Secret in
History" book.
Get yours now and start seeing all that is yours
that is right in front of you -- and more.
Just go to --
"It is one of the most beautiful
compensations of this life that no man can
sincerely try to help another without
helping himself." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wishing you great success, health, happiness...
and more!
Dr. Rick Barrett
PS -- Honoring the Divine flow of giving and
receiving, partial proceeds will be donated to
our charities.
Just go here now --
manifestation and the Law of Attraction
for a long time, or maybe it's something
new to you.
Perhaps you've seen the movie, The
Secret and were energized by it, but you
felt something was missing.
Likely you've had some success with the law
of attraction, manifesting certain experiences,
material possessions, a little money, or
relationships into your life
Even if you weren't quite sure how it works.
But even if you fully understand the Law of may still have abundance
that eludes you somehow.
There's still something more that you want.
You may know all the secrets to wealth and
getting what you want, but if you don't know
how to give and receive... all the secrets in
the world won't help you.
Let me explain...
Our brains have something called a reticular
activating system (RAS). This system tends to
lock in and only let you see what your belief
system accepts as reality. If you don't believe
it, you cannot see it.
This means that you may already have what you've
tried to manifest into your life -- right in front
of you. But because this part of your brain
doesn't believe it, this system will lock you
out of experiencing what you don't believe
you deserve.
Your manifestation system may be working just
fine. But your belief system may be blocking you
from accepting, experiencing, and receiving all
that the universe has in store for you.
What can you do about this?
Dr. Joe Vitale, Mark Ryan, and I traveled to
Macchu Picchu, Peru last year. There, we were
inspired to create a special edition Subliminal
Manifestation DVD on just this issue. You can
read about it -- and see a video excerpt -- here:
This special subliminal DVD teaches your
unconscious mind to shift that around, to
make your reticular activating system open
up and train it to work with the natural flow
of giving and receiving.
This DVD works with both your conscious and
unconscious mind to open you up to giving and
receiving all that the abundance the universe has
in store for you.
The DVD starts with a 25-minute interview with
Dr. Joe Vitale and myself about how to open
these processes inside yourself. Both Dr. Vitale
and myself were in a heightened state of bliss
during this interview, as it was conducted on top
of sacred Macchu Picchu in Peru.
Watch as our positive energy flows out, inspiring
you consciously to understand this critical flow
of giving and receiving.
The next segment is a spectacular, moving
20-minute piece filmed in Macchu Picchu.
Watching this video of nature's beautiful,
sacred abundance, coupled with a
special musical piece composed specifically
for this video, opens you up to levels of ancient
understanding deep within you. You can actually
*feel* this when you watch the video.
You might see little flickers on the subliminal
portion of the video, as you relax and watch.
They are just a little faster than your conscious
mind can grasp, but not too fast for your
unconscious. In this way, we bypass the
conscious mind's objections and blocks,
and you will gently stir the deeper understanding
of the cycle of giving and receiving within you.
Hypnotist Mark J. Ryan's smooth hypnotic voice
guides you through this special 20-minute video.
Mark's expertise in hypnosis, NLP (neurolinguistic
programming), and subliminal video skills
encourage your RAS to begin opening
and seeing the abundance and wealth you
already have in so many areas of your life.
As you watch and use this video, you will begin to
see your world through new eyes... eyes that begin
to believe and see that you are always getting all
that you deserve and desire... by learning how to
properly receive -- and how to properly give to
And how to allow more -- to begin to finally
attract what has been eluding you.
Imagine *that*.
Here's the bonus to this learning: as you start to
receive more, it amplifies your manifesting. As
you open and receive more, it adds to your own
experience, thus changing your experience,
which also solidifies your new belief systems.
I am sure you have heard the saying, "The rich get
richer and the poor get poorer." Well that is the
result of a receiving feedback loop. In one loop,
you are open and receive more... in the latter,
you don't believe you should receive more and
so you receive less.
Are you beginning to see how powerful this is?
When you receive plenty and more than sufficient
supply, you then are more open to giving because
you have more to give, and the desire to give
increases as well.
So now you have a system that both pushes and
pulls in the same direction. How much faster do
you expect things to improve in your life when you
have one engine pushing and another pulling in the
same direction? When you've been living with
two engines pulling in opposite directions,
the improvement will feel dramatic.
If you have that much energy working for you,
why not have it work in the same direction?
Why not finally get in alignment to attract
all that you long for?
The Subliminal Manifestation Special Edition
Give to Live: Clearing Blocks to Receiving will
be selling for $69.99 but for a limited time we
are offering it for an introductory rate of only
The DVD includes:
* a 4 minute introduction
* 25 minute interview between Dr. Vitale and me
* 20 minute Master Subliminal "Clearing Blocks
to Receiving" video
As a bonus, I am giving away the
digital version of my highly acclaimed and
"Give to Live" book, on which this special DVD is
based. It also includes Dr. Joe Vitale's wonderful
and powerful "Greatest Money Making Secret in
History" book.
Get yours now and start seeing all that is yours
that is right in front of you -- and more.
Just go to --
"It is one of the most beautiful
compensations of this life that no man can
sincerely try to help another without
helping himself." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wishing you great success, health, happiness...
and more!
Dr. Rick Barrett
PS -- Honoring the Divine flow of giving and
receiving, partial proceeds will be donated to
our charities.
Just go here now --
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Haiti; Hope For Humanity
In the chaos, devastation and suffering that has arisen from a massively destructive earthquake...Haiti offers every community,every nation and each individual an opportunity to stand for something greater than themselves.
People and countries will either tap into the goodness within and rise to their greatness or succumb to their limited, petty beliefs falling to their weakness!
The decision to offer assistance or not, the reasons why you would do either are irrelevant. What is relevant is that human life has been destroyed, suffering, hardship and pain still remains,and is everyone 's responsibility!
This is one of those defining moments when we get to ask ourselves individually and collectively...who are we? What are we made of?
Can the poor country of Haiti be a catalyst for unity, peace and oneness?
Can Haiti teach us finally what is important?
Can we transcend politics, cultures, boundaries, religions, languages,prejudices and fears to care for one another?
Can we look beyond all the possible reasons not to act, not to donate money, not to volunteer, and focus on the one reason to do those things?
Simply for the love of another human being!
The jury is still out. Haiti will be a long process, but I am hopeful.
A few days after the earthquake destroyed Port Au Prince an estimated 150,000 were dead. I asked a patient how her morning had been. She responded it's just an ordinary day, thankfully. I agreed. I said sometimes an uneventful day IS a great day.
She said, "Yes, I have nothing to complain about. Look at those poor people in Haiti. I can't sleep. They're on my mind constantly." She said, "Just can't send enough money to them. I wish I could do more."
This event touched her soul--the connection between her and other spiritual/human beings.
I would say you would have to have a very hard heart, be a sick or a destructive person not to be touched by this tragedy.
Most of us feel compelled to lend assistance in whatever way we can. You could almost hear the collective gasps as we all learned the news. Something ripped at our hearts, our guts and we felt a tear in our connection to human life on this
We can imagine, all too easily, ourselves, friends or loved ones in that same situation. Devastated, hungry, homeless, filthy and perhaps buried under rubble gasping for air, desperately struggling for life.
For those that survive, the struggle for ordinary will be a long process.
I would not want to be in their shoes, but if I were, I would hope and pray that my brothers and sisters throughout the world would come to my aid.
This earthquake in Haiti is just another reminder that we are all susceptible to disaster and potentially in need of assistance from others.
Hardship Plays No Favorites is the title of chapter two in our book, Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life's Rewards. (Available at
In it, I wrote the following...
"Homelessness, economic disaster, war torn countries, terrorism,class systems, slavery,genocide, prejudice, hate, water and food supply shortages, poverty, droughts, famine,disease, a world in turmoil; symptoms of a world, in many ways precariously close to extreme devastation."
"Many of us, including you and me, are teetering on the brink of personal disaster and yet walk through our days unaware. A life, a career, a business can be dramatically changed in the time it takes for a tsunami to roll onto shore, a government to topple, a war to erupt, a tornado to come through your town, a fire to ravage your home or a senseless act of terrorism to invade your life."
Haiti is giving us all an opportunity to show not only others, but ourselves, what we are made of. To remind could just as easily be you or I.
An opportunity to reach within ourselves and share all the love,goodness and light we are endowed with. An opportunity to grow in our humanity and our spirituality.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
My personal Affirmation of Service is as follows:
I choose to carry out my day as if it is my last.
I will give freely and unconditionally that
which I can. I will provide service to one or
more persons with or without their knowledge.
Thought coupled with action equals change,
therefore, as I think and act I can and will
create the positive changes in my
community and world. I am grateful for the
opportunity to serve humanity today.
Perhaps this resonates with you. If so...use it.
When opportunity presents itself to help another, it is also an opportunity for us to grow and be the recipient of great reward.
Do what you can, when you can, however your conscious dictates.
Serving You,
Dr. Rick Barrett
People and countries will either tap into the goodness within and rise to their greatness or succumb to their limited, petty beliefs falling to their weakness!
The decision to offer assistance or not, the reasons why you would do either are irrelevant. What is relevant is that human life has been destroyed, suffering, hardship and pain still remains,and is everyone 's responsibility!
This is one of those defining moments when we get to ask ourselves individually and collectively...who are we? What are we made of?
Can the poor country of Haiti be a catalyst for unity, peace and oneness?
Can Haiti teach us finally what is important?
Can we transcend politics, cultures, boundaries, religions, languages,prejudices and fears to care for one another?
Can we look beyond all the possible reasons not to act, not to donate money, not to volunteer, and focus on the one reason to do those things?
Simply for the love of another human being!
The jury is still out. Haiti will be a long process, but I am hopeful.
A few days after the earthquake destroyed Port Au Prince an estimated 150,000 were dead. I asked a patient how her morning had been. She responded it's just an ordinary day, thankfully. I agreed. I said sometimes an uneventful day IS a great day.
She said, "Yes, I have nothing to complain about. Look at those poor people in Haiti. I can't sleep. They're on my mind constantly." She said, "Just can't send enough money to them. I wish I could do more."
This event touched her soul--the connection between her and other spiritual/human beings.
I would say you would have to have a very hard heart, be a sick or a destructive person not to be touched by this tragedy.
Most of us feel compelled to lend assistance in whatever way we can. You could almost hear the collective gasps as we all learned the news. Something ripped at our hearts, our guts and we felt a tear in our connection to human life on this
We can imagine, all too easily, ourselves, friends or loved ones in that same situation. Devastated, hungry, homeless, filthy and perhaps buried under rubble gasping for air, desperately struggling for life.
For those that survive, the struggle for ordinary will be a long process.
I would not want to be in their shoes, but if I were, I would hope and pray that my brothers and sisters throughout the world would come to my aid.
This earthquake in Haiti is just another reminder that we are all susceptible to disaster and potentially in need of assistance from others.
Hardship Plays No Favorites is the title of chapter two in our book, Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life's Rewards. (Available at
In it, I wrote the following...
"Homelessness, economic disaster, war torn countries, terrorism,class systems, slavery,genocide, prejudice, hate, water and food supply shortages, poverty, droughts, famine,disease, a world in turmoil; symptoms of a world, in many ways precariously close to extreme devastation."
"Many of us, including you and me, are teetering on the brink of personal disaster and yet walk through our days unaware. A life, a career, a business can be dramatically changed in the time it takes for a tsunami to roll onto shore, a government to topple, a war to erupt, a tornado to come through your town, a fire to ravage your home or a senseless act of terrorism to invade your life."
Haiti is giving us all an opportunity to show not only others, but ourselves, what we are made of. To remind could just as easily be you or I.
An opportunity to reach within ourselves and share all the love,goodness and light we are endowed with. An opportunity to grow in our humanity and our spirituality.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
My personal Affirmation of Service is as follows:
I choose to carry out my day as if it is my last.
I will give freely and unconditionally that
which I can. I will provide service to one or
more persons with or without their knowledge.
Thought coupled with action equals change,
therefore, as I think and act I can and will
create the positive changes in my
community and world. I am grateful for the
opportunity to serve humanity today.
Perhaps this resonates with you. If so...use it.
When opportunity presents itself to help another, it is also an opportunity for us to grow and be the recipient of great reward.
Do what you can, when you can, however your conscious dictates.
Serving You,
Dr. Rick Barrett
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