Like me, you've probably been studying
manifestation and the Law of Attraction
for a long time, or maybe it's something
new to you.
Perhaps you've seen the movie, The
Secret and were energized by it, but you
felt something was missing.
Likely you've had some success with the law
of attraction, manifesting certain experiences,
material possessions, a little money, or
relationships into your life
Even if you weren't quite sure how it works.
But even if you fully understand the Law of may still have abundance
that eludes you somehow.
There's still something more that you want.
You may know all the secrets to wealth and
getting what you want, but if you don't know
how to give and receive... all the secrets in
the world won't help you.
Let me explain...
Our brains have something called a reticular
activating system (RAS). This system tends to
lock in and only let you see what your belief
system accepts as reality. If you don't believe
it, you cannot see it.
This means that you may already have what you've
tried to manifest into your life -- right in front
of you. But because this part of your brain
doesn't believe it, this system will lock you
out of experiencing what you don't believe
you deserve.
Your manifestation system may be working just
fine. But your belief system may be blocking you
from accepting, experiencing, and receiving all
that the universe has in store for you.
What can you do about this?
Dr. Joe Vitale,
Mark Ryan, and I traveled to
Macchu Picchu, Peru last year. There, we were
inspired to create a special edition Subliminal
Manifestation DVD on just this issue. You can
read about it -- and see a video excerpt -- here: This special subliminal DVD teaches your
unconscious mind to shift that around, to
make your reticular activating system open
up and train it to work with the natural flow
of giving and receiving.
This DVD works with both your conscious and
unconscious mind to open you up to giving and
receiving all that the abundance the universe has
in store for you.
The DVD starts with a 25-minute interview with
Dr. Joe Vitale and myself about how to open
these processes inside yourself. Both Dr. Vitale
and myself were in a heightened state of bliss
during this interview, as it was conducted on top
of sacred Macchu Picchu in Peru.
Watch as our positive energy flows out, inspiring
you consciously to understand this critical flow
of giving and receiving.
The next segment is a spectacular, moving
20-minute piece filmed in Macchu Picchu.
Watching this video of nature's beautiful,
sacred abundance, coupled with a
special musical piece composed specifically
for this video, opens you up to levels of ancient
understanding deep within you. You can actually
*feel* this when you watch the video.
You might see little flickers on the subliminal
portion of the video, as you relax and watch.
They are just a little faster than your conscious
mind can grasp, but not too fast for your
unconscious. In this way, we bypass the
conscious mind's objections and blocks,
and you will gently stir the deeper understanding
of the cycle of giving and receiving within you.
Mark J. Ryan's smooth hypnotic voice
guides you through this special 20-minute video.
Mark's expertise in hypnosis, NLP (neurolinguistic
programming), and subliminal video skills
encourage your RAS to begin opening
and seeing the abundance and wealth you
already have in so many areas of your life.
As you watch and use this video, you will begin to
see your world through new eyes... eyes that begin
to believe and see that you are always getting all
that you deserve and desire... by learning how to
properly receive -- and how to properly give to
And how to allow more -- to begin to finally
attract what has been eluding you.
Imagine *that*.
Here's the bonus to this learning: as you start to
receive more, it amplifies your manifesting. As
you open and receive more, it adds to your own
experience, thus changing your experience,
which also solidifies your new belief systems.
I am sure you have heard the saying, "The rich get
richer and the poor get poorer." Well that is the
result of a receiving feedback loop. In one loop,
you are open and receive more... in the latter,
you don't believe you should receive more and
so you receive less.
Are you beginning to see how powerful this is?
When you receive plenty and more than sufficient
supply, you then are more open to giving because
you have more to give, and the desire to give
increases as well.
So now you have a system that both pushes and
pulls in the same direction. How much faster do
you expect things to improve in your life when you
have one engine pushing and another pulling in the
same direction? When you've been living with
two engines pulling in opposite directions,
the improvement will feel dramatic.
If you have that much energy working for you,
why not have it work in the same direction?
Why not finally get in alignment to attract
all that you long for? The Subliminal Manifestation Special Edition
Give to Live: Clearing Blocks to Receiving will
be selling for $69.99 but for a limited time we
are offering it for an introductory rate of only
The DVD includes:
* a 4 minute introduction
* 25 minute interview between Dr. Vitale and me
* 20 minute Master Subliminal "Clearing Blocks
to Receiving" video
As a bonus, I am giving away the
digital version of my highly acclaimed and
"Give to Live" book, on which this special DVD is
based. It also includes
Dr. Joe Vitale's wonderful
and powerful "Greatest Money Making Secret in
History" book.
Get yours now and start seeing all that is yours
that is right in front of you -- and more.
Just go to -- "It is one of the most beautiful
compensations of this life that no man can
sincerely try to help another without
helping himself." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wishing you great success, health, happiness...
and more!
Dr. Rick Barrett
PS -- Honoring the Divine flow of giving and
receiving, partial proceeds will be donated to
our charities. Just go here now --