Friday, November 11, 2011

Honoring America's Heroes

Last night's celebration honoring America's Heroes sponsored by my Rotary Club and Operation American Heroes was a wonderful event.  It was the first night of a two night event designed to raise money for our local servicemen returning home with problems and for our first responders. 

You can support them at  The audience was full of people who believe service above self.   We even had a man who fought at Iwo Jima.

The keynote speaker was retired General William Boykin, former commander of U.S. Army Special Forces and founding member of Delta Force.  He was inspiring.

General Boykin asked all of us who had served in the military to repeat our induction oath.  Part of which is to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  He reminded us that there was no expiration date attached to that contract we voluntarily agreed upon.  He charged us
with continuing to fight and defend our great country.

General Boykin asked everyone to place God first and adhere to our values so that we may continue being blessed and proud to be Americans.  The man was inspiring yet down to earth.  He was humble and honorable.  It was a distinct pleasure to meet him, shake his hand and thank him for his
service to our country and our world.  He signed his new book for Mary and I, "Never Surrender, A Soldier's Journey to the Crossroads of Faith and Freedom".

I look forward to reading it.

Today, remember and honor our servicemen and women.  Lower yourself to one knee and praise God.  Be thankful for our freedoms.  Spread peace and love wherever you go.  But stay vigilant and ready to defend and fight for freedom.

Wishing you a blessed day!
Dr. Rick Barrett