It’s nice to have a reminder of who we are, how we should conduct
ourselves in a civilized society or of what we believe in.
Some of the items may be religious in nature and others not.
They could be cards we keep in our wallets, rings or other pieces
of jewelry that symbolize truths we hold dear.
Of course, if love, spirituality, morals, ethics, integrity, or
compassion aren’t in our hearts, no symbol will be the magic
talisman that transfigures us into a better human being.
A gangster attending church simply going through the motions
doesn’t redeem himself or wash away his criminal behavior.
Rotarians have something we hold dear called the four way test of
the things we think, say or do.
I carry one in the form of a token in my pocket. And I have
another I keep on my desk. The obverse contains three
simple words:
The reverse holds the words of the four way test of the things we
think, say, or do.
1) Is it the truth?
2) Is it fair to all concerned?
3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
I find this four way test to be a great reminder of how to conduct
ourselves throughout our daily lives…
…a standard by which to operate that transcends any potential
social, ethnic, or religious barrier.
I hope you benefit by those words and the obvious meaning behind
them as much as I do.
When I wrote Give to Live; The Real Secret to Manifesting Life’s
Rewards with Joe Vitale, it was with the intent of promoting the
idea of service above self and the magnificent rewards that we
automatically attract in doing so.
One way for me to serve others is by making this book available as
a free digital book. It can be read or downloaded free at
While on a very special trip to Peru, we decided to take the giving
and serving message to a new level giving more people the ability
to open their subconscious minds to giving. We created the Give to
Live Subliminal Manifestation DVD…you can check it out at
I wrote several prayers and an affirmation of service that I’ve
given away to people around the world for many years. The loving
response has always humbled me. Inspired by this, I was guided to
convert the prayers into songs. You can read the prayers and hear
a sampling of the music in a free special report I wrote where I
share ideas on how to get closer to God. It’s all on the website
As always, my products partially fund our medical missions, the
Nahuathl Indigenous stove project and more.
I think you’ll agree they meet the four way test.
Even if you are not a Rotarian, I know you’ll find a use for the
four way test in your life. Likely you’re already intuitively
using it.
Please continue to be the change in you wish to see in the
world…share this with others!
Dr. Rick Barrett
P.S. Want to become a Rotarian? Check out or contact me personally about the Rotary I belong to
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