Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Lady and the Scarf

When do you stop caring enough to stop giving?

For one woman, the answer is never.  And I think that’s a pretty good answer.
After all, giving is simply the end result of love.

A dear friend of mine has been using her talent in what some may consider a dying art to express her love and to help others.

Leena is 96 years old and knits and crochets blankets, hats and scarves.  She shares these wonderful gifts with people she loves and cares about.  My wife and I are the proud recipients of a few pieces of her loving handy work.

Leena was even kind enough to knit a tiny hat and blanket for my great niece who will be born in just a few weeks.  Leena has never met my nephew and his wife, nor was she asked to make these items for them.  She did it because her heart told her to.

Leena  is also an inspiration because she makes these hats, scarves and blankets for total strangers too.
Every day, she works on another hat, blanket or scarf that will bring warmth and comfort to someone.  Once completed, her son delivers them to a homeless person! Yes, she continues to knit for people she doesn’t know, but who are in need of the product of her talent, love and kindness.  These handcrafts not only provide physical warmth, but emotional warmth as well.   

Naturally she is not a high output machine that can churn out thousands or even hundreds of items a day.  However, small the quantities may be, they will certainly make a difference in the lives of those that receive them.

When should we stop giving?  According to Leena’s example…never.

Doesn’t this make you stop, reflect and ask… if Leena can do it then why can’t I?

If Leena has something to contribute then what do I have to contribute?

If Leena is doing this at 96 years of age then what’s holding me back at my age?

It certainly causes me to check myself, take a second look and ask…
…what else can I do?  Who else can I provide shelter, warmth, food, money, or…to? Who else can I spread love to?

Leena humbles me.
Leena makes me think.
Leena makes me proud.
Leena is inspiring!

The Master Craftswoman herself...Leena!

It seems that if one has a desire…a passion…is inspired and their heart is big enough…

They can turn their time, talents and treasures into something that will benefit everyone—regardless of their age.

I think there will always be people who need, from time to time, help from others.

I hope there will be an endless supply of Leenas in the world who will rise to the occasion.  Thank God for Leena and others like her.

If Leena’s story inspired you, I’d love to hear from you.  Or if you know someone who has a unique way of giving, please share it with me.  Just go to my website and send me an e-mail.

I look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick,

    Sometimes we think that giving requires a lot of work but I have to say that with very little effort we can all make a difference by doing little things for others. A while back an organization I belonged to asked us to commit to do something nice for someone every day for a month.

    At the end of the month we were to report back on what happened. Well, one thing I did stands out in my mind more than any others, because how the person responded touched my heart and soul.

    Here's the story. I was in a huge traffic jam in Houston on I-10 going West. Everyone was in a hurry (to go no where) and there was a semi-truck stuck in the right hand lane. No one was letting him in to the traffic. I watched this as I crept up toward his truck and from where I sat I saw at least 25 cars that passed this truck and would not allow him into our lane.

    So, you guessed it, I stopped my car directly behind his truck and flashed my headlights and gave him room to get into the lane. What happened next touched me in such a way, I'll never forget. The gentleman stopped his 18 wheeler in front of me, stepped out of his truck onto the step and took a bow, tipped his hat off to me and got back in the truck and drove on.

    So, I'd like to challenge your readers to share simple kindnesses that can make a difference in someone's life!

    Krystalya Marie'
